Advanced Ice Machines - Church Sales
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Use this calculator to help you determine which Ice Machine will meet your needs.

# People at Average Function:

Church Related Ice Machines

Determining the proper size of an ice machine for a church is simple. Just follow these easy steps or use the calculator above.
Step 1. Estimate the number of people that will attend your average function.
Step 2. Multiply this number by 1.5 pounds of ice per person. For example, 200 people x 1.5 pounds of ice is 300 pounds of ice storage is required.
Step 3. Choose an ice machine that will store that much ice.
50 lb 80 lb 100 lb 200 lb 300 lb 500 lb
Please note: At church functions, a good rule of thumb is that the ice you will need is immediate, i.e., to fill glasses, chest, etc. The amount of ice that is immediately available (storage) is the guage that should be used in determining size. Ice production per day is usually not as important for church functions.
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